Ways Yoga is Good for Your Mental Health

3 min readAug 14, 2022

Stand. Breathe. Stretch. It’s the year’s second half, and many of us are already burned out. With stress levels from work, school, children or a combination of two, it’s hard to keep your mental health in check.

The long-term effects of this ripple onto different aspects of our lives, breaking relationships and leaving us feeling even more depleted. One of the best ways to get the hang of these overwhelming feelings lies in a simple stretch. If you’ve ever wondered if yoga is worth the hype, continue reading.

Improving sleep.

One thing I realized when I tried yoga a couple of years ago was how easy sleep came to me. We’re all guilty of scrolling endlessly after hours on social media, missing out on sleep which studies have shown is essential for holistic health.

Simple stretches and breaths via yoga relax your body and allow you to ease into the flow of sleep. People who struggle with insomnia or restless leg syndrome benefit greatly from yoga and meditation, and this activity releases all tight knots and muscles, improving your sleep quality.

Relieves depression.

If you’re looking to ease your depression (or heartbreak)< try yoga. Studies have shown that yoga is highly comparable to medical treatments such as psychotherapy and medication. With this in mind, consider yoga your inexpensive medication with no physical or emotional side effects.

During stretches, there is a constant release of helpful brain chemicals, namely serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, known as ‘feel-good’ chemicals. The slow and controlled movements of yoga elevate your heart rate and, with the help of these chemicals, make you feel happier and lighter.

Reduces anger.

Do you know that coworker who always gets on your nerves? Or that classmate you can’t seem to like for no reason? Or maybe your toddler who refuses to wear a diaper and pees all over your carpets? These are typical instances where our tempers rise, our ears flare up, and we get extremely mad.

Controlling anger consciously can be tough, but with physical education and yoga especially, it becomes easier. If you ever feel yourself getting worked up over something you might have no control over, remember our mantra; Stand. Breathe. And stretch.

Enhance your social life.

One of the best ways to practice yoga is in a group. Having a community of like-minded people is a great way to interact and make new friends, resultantly improving your social ties. Sometimes, moving and breathing simultaneously deliver an inner sense of belonging and bonding, which goes a long way to positively affect your physical and mental health.

If you want to try yoga for the first time, you should sign up for our Sunrise beach yoga and Meditative space session . You will feel calmer and happier after a series of soft morning yoga stretches, gratitude journaling and community interaction. Signing up for this great experience gives you access to wellness ebooks for days you want to enjoy yoga alone, bottled water, and an affirmation card that reminds you that there’s always something to be grateful for.

Yoga gives you the ultimate power of the stretch. Not only is it known to reduce stress, but yoga also enhances concentration, improves flexibility and most importantly, promotes a sense of peace. With our raging economy, Lord knows we all need it!

Written by: Akua Tsetsewa Yawson




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